Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Get Your Office Ready For The Holidays

Even if you don't host a holiday party at your office, this time of year will bring more foot traffic than normal.  From extra deliveries, to vendors bringing gifts, to suprise visits from employee spouses and children, more traffic leads to more dirt.  Not to mention that here in Western Pennsylvania this increase in feet coming through the door can be carrying leaves, slush, and/or ice melter.  Add all that to the increase in holiday decorations, and your professional office can become disheveled quickly.

So what do you do?  Here's five ideas to get you started:

1.  Meet with your cleaning contractor or housekeeper.  Discuss your expectations with the directly.  Present them with a schedule of holiday hours, parties, special lunches, etc...  Prehaps offering a small bonus for good service during the final month of the year would be a nice incentive for them to go above and beyond.

2. Meet with your employees.  Be certain that employees know that they are responsible for their own areas and their own messes.  Try to keep employees from nibbling on those delicious holiday cookies while at their desks.  Keep eating to kitchens or breakrooms when you can.

3. Use common sense when it comes to decorations.  If you're going to have a tree in your office, get an artificial tree, rather than track pine needles throughout your workspace.  Decide whether decorations are adding to or detracting from a productive work environment.  (An electric "candle" in the window can be nice, covering every open surface with piles of fake snow can be a bit much.)

4. Don't use salt.  There are numerous ice melters on the market that won't track white stains or sticky residue through your office.  Speak with your landlord or facility manager about moving away from salt and other harmful ice melters.

5. Stop the dirt at the door.  Eight to twelve feet of clean, high quality walk-off matting is recommended for removing dirt and debris from shoes as they enter your workplace. 

Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and clean holiday season, from your friends at Anago of Western PA!

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